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9 Lessons I Learned from Jonah

As I studied Jonah today in the Bible Recap by Tara Leigh Cobble, a few key lessons worth reflecting on stood out to me...

1. Running from God Only Makes the Storm Worse

Jonah attempted to flee from God's command, boarding a ship heading in the opposite direction of Nineveh. But when we run away from the Lord, our sea will only get rougher and rougher. The storms of life are often magnified when we resist His calling. Instead of peace, we find turmoil. Jonah’s experience reminds us that surrendering to God is always the better path.

2. Call to God, and He Will Answer

From deep in my distress, I call to the Lord, and He answered me (Jonah 2:2). Even when Jonah was in the belly of the fish, God heard his cry. No matter how far we’ve strayed, how deep our despair, or how dire our circumstances, God is always listening. He is a God of mercy, ready to rescue us when we turn back to Him.


3. We Are Allowed to Complain—But God Will Show Us His Favor

Jonah was frustrated and even angry with God’s mercy toward Nineveh. Yet, God patiently engaged with him. He allows us to express our frustration, confusion, and even disappointment. But in time, He reveals how He is working all things for good, even when we fail to see it at first.

4. God Never Abandons Us

Despite Jonah’s rebellion, God pursued him. Thank You, God, for not abandoning me. Jonah’s story is a testament to God’s relentless grace—He doesn’t give up on us even when we try to run or resist His plans.

5. God Asks Questions—Do We Listen?

God repeatedly asked Jonah questions, yet Jonah often chose to ignore them, remaining in his anger. How often do we do the same? Are there areas in our lives where God is trying to get our attention, but we refuse to engage with Him? Ignoring God's questions doesn't change His truth—it only prolongs our struggle.

6. Do We Recognize God’s Messages?

God sent messages to Jonah in different ways—the storm, the fish, the plant, and even the worm. But Jonah was slow to recognize what God was teaching him. How often does God speak to us through circumstances, people, or even our struggles, yet we fail to acknowledge His voice? We must remain open to seeing His hand at work.

7. We Are Greater Than the ‘Vines’

Jonah was more upset about losing the shade of a plant than about the fate of an entire city. How often do we fixate on small inconveniences while missing the bigger picture of what God is doing? God calls us to shift our perspective from temporary comforts to eternal significance.

8. Are You Okay With God Loving Your Enemies?

Jonah struggled with God’s compassion toward the people of Nineveh. But God’s grace is for everyone—including those we might see as undeserving. Are we okay with the fact that God loves our enemies? Can we extend grace as He does?

9. Can We Accept That We All Have a Little Jonah in Us?

Jonah’s resistance, anger, and self-righteousness can sometimes mirror our own attitudes. Are we okay with God putting up with the Jonah in all of us? God is patient with our stubbornness, guiding us toward growth and understanding. The question is—will we let Him?

Final Thoughts Jonah’s story isn’t just about him—it’s about us. It’s about God's mercy, patience, and unwavering love for all people. It challenges us to examine our hearts: Are we resisting God's call? Are we blind to His messages? Are we willing to accept His grace not only for ourselves but also for others?

May we learn from Jonah and choose to walk in obedience, humility, and compassion, embracing the vastness of God's love.

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2 comentarios

I am grateful to the Lord for being patient with me!

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04 ene

Great article. I would love to devotional. You can surprise me !

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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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