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A Cheerful Heart

When I read this devotion this morning, it inspired me to think of things from a different light. To inspire others to look through the lenses of a "cheerful heart."

Choose gratitude...

There is so much darkness in the world, financial struggles, banks collapsing, wars, unnecessary deaths, long-term illnesses, so much that we could spend our time worrying about. But worrying is a waste of time. Turn into faith and trusting God and more importantly choose gratitude.

As the devotion states: "...take a step back and deliberately bring our attention to the things that are going right in our lives, the blessings we have, we CAN FIND SOMETHING to rejoice in." We can choose gratefulness.

What you focus on becomes how you feel. Choose today to focus on something that brings you joy. If you are struggling to do that, make an A-Z list of things you are grateful for. Start with the letter A and think of one thing that you are grateful for that starts with an A. Once you get to the bottom of the alphabet, you will have 26 things. It can be even the smallest thing. Then, choose to go forward with a grateful heart for those things and LET GO of your worry. Trust in God. He WILL provide and prevail.

Credit: Rick Warren, The Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional

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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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