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Am I Ready? Living Each Day with Anticipation

The question was posed at church on Sunday:

Would your choices change today if you knew Jesus might return tomorrow?

This brought me deep into thought about living with the "anticipation" of Christ coming. Am I fearful about the coming of Christ, or am I ready? I was genuinely confident that I am ready for Christ to come. I am not afraid; I actually think I would find it a relief! A relief from the sorrow and pain of this world.

It did cause me to reflect on my little actions and attitudes throughout the day. If Jesus did come today, would I be found doing something He is proud of, or would I be embarrassed by my actions? I would say that would be a different answer - almost minute by minute! I try to live, act, walk, and talk like Jesus, but there are times that I would be embarrassed if people could hear my thoughts. I am not always kind "in my mind" - and TO MYSELF.

This set me thinking about how I can avoid those traps each day. The answer is clear (for me): spend more quality time with God FIRST thing in the morning and start my day off on the right foot. With gratitude and praise...and SURRENDER. Giving God my life to do what HE wants instead of what I WANT.

Our pastor spoke of a quote by C.S. Lewis that went something like this:

"Hell is like giving them what they have always asked for - being left alone to do what they want."

That quote resonated deeply with me. When I want to do what I WANT and fill my day with selfish desires, I am separating myself from God - living my own life and doing things that I wouldn't be proud of if Jesus came to earth today.

I am reminded to fully surrender and put my deeply rooted HOPE in Jesus. I will receive an unconditional love that secures my identity and overflows to those around me. I will ask you -

  • What would you change if you knew Jesus might return tomorrow?

  • Are you growing in such a way that you attract people to your faith?

  • Has there been a genuine surrender to Christ in your life?

Pastor Jonathan closed with this prayer, which I feel can be a great place to start anew:

"Dear God, I'd like a new start in life. Thank you for loving me and forgiving me and for sending your only Son, Jesus, to die for my sins and set me free from the fear of death. Jesus, I want to open up my life to You and get to know You. As much as I know how I invite you to take leadership of my life from this day forward. I want to learn to trust You. Please put Your Spirit in my life to direct me. Thank you for adopting me into your family and writing my name in heaven."

To watch the full message, check it out: Anticipation

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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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