This is my FAVORITE scripture, Ephesians 2:10!
We are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do! (As I have it memorized!)
It is a great reminder to me that God has prepared things for me to do, that ONLY I can do, and things for you to do that I CAN'T do!
It reminds me of a post that I made recently about how we are all part of the puzzle.
When I opened up this devotional and I saw my favorite scripture at the top, my heart leaped in joy!
If you would like a copy of either of this or any other devotional, please send me an email (button below). Please reference the title of the post to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author.
#up2Him #changinglivesfound #consistencycompounds #bekind #cyw #transformation #christianwisdom #servantleadership
