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Following the Footsteps of Paul in Greece: A Journey of Faith and Understanding, Part Two

Continuing from where we left off, our journey took us deeper into the lessons from Paul's mission in Greece. Each step along Paul's path revealed new insights about faith, commitment, and the true essence of being a follower of Christ.

Behavior vs. Belief

One of the most striking lessons from our journey was understanding the discrepancy between what we say we believe and how we actually behave. Often, we adjust our actions to make life easier, even if it means compromising our faith. In Corinth, we learned that the people would often add Paul’s God to their existing list of gods, thinking that by doing so, they would cover all bases. This blending of beliefs, while seemingly practical, missed the essence of Paul's teachings.

The Corinthian Approach

In Corinth, the temptation was to dilute the faith by incorporating it into existing beliefs. The Corinthians would think, "I'll just add Paul's God to my list of gods, and then I will be okay." But Paul's message was clear: it’s not about adding God to our lives as a convenience or a backup plan. True faith demands a complete and total commitment. It's not about fitting God into our agenda but rather submitting our lives entirely to His will. This teaching hit me hard, as I would often prefer to have God fit into my agenda...not the other way around!

Self-Discipline for Victory

Another profound lesson was the concept of self-discipline to achieve victory in Christ. Paul taught that true freedom isn't about pursuing our rights and desires but about willingly disciplining ourselves to God's will. This is a radical departure from the world's understanding of freedom. True victory in Christ comes from surrendering our will and desires to God's greater plan. It's about living a life of service and sacrifice, knowing that our ultimate reward is not in earthly pleasures but in eternal life with God.

It’s Not All About Me

One of the most challenging realizations was accepting that "It's not all about me." In our modern culture, the focus is often on self-fulfillment and personal success. However, Paul's teachings remind us that our lives are meant to be lived for God's glory and the service of others. This means putting aside our selfish ambitions and desires and instead seeking to fulfill God's purpose for our lives. This resonated deeply with me. It gave me so much to think about.


As we continued our journey through Greece, Paul's lessons became increasingly clear and convincing. Our faith is not about convenience or personal gain but about total commitment and self-sacrifice. We are called to live lives that reflect the true nature of Christ, putting aside our own desires for the greater good of God's kingdom.

At every step, I was reminded to align my actions with my beliefs to ensure that my behavior reflected my faith. This journey has taught me to embrace a life of service, understanding that true victory comes from surrendering to God's will.

Our group was left with the challenge of examining our own lives.

  • Are we truly living out our faith, or are we simply adding God to our list of conveniences?

  • Are we willing to enslave ourselves to God's will to achieve true victory?

These questions will continue to guide us as we strive to walk in Paul's footsteps and live out our faith authentically.

As we ponder these questions, let's remember to ask ourselves daily, "Am I living for God's glory today?" If the answer isn't clear, seek His guidance and strive to do better tomorrow. Remember, God is full of grace and love, and He is our biggest supporter. With His help, we can impact the world, one step at a time.

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please request one below, and I would be honored to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Me" link.



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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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