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Following the Footsteps of Paul in Greece: Give It All You Got, Part Three

As we sat under a tree in Ancient Corinth listening to a teaching from Juan (JV) Vereecken and listening to CeCe Winan and Chris Tomlin sing worship music, JV spoke about Paul writing 1 Corinthians; Paul wrote 20 words, which JV called the "executive summary" about how Christians are supposed to live their lives:

Keep your eyes open,

hold tight to your convictions,

give it all you've got,

be resolute,

and love without stopping.

- 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 MSG

Keeping Your Eyes Open

Our natural response in life is to close our eyes. We will see many things in life, and some of those things will capture our hearts. We need to open our eyes and look around us, to truly see and feel what others are experiencing. This call to awareness is a cornerstone of Paul's message. By opening our eyes, we allow ourselves to be moved by the world around us, to let our hearts be touched by the needs and struggles of others.

Holding Tight to Your Convictions

What are the things that have captured your heart? Have you ever seen or experienced something that deeply moved you, but later found yourself wondering what happened to that person, child, or family? Paul was aware of the struggles faced by the Corinthians and urged them to stand firm in their convictions. His letter serves as a reminder for us not to turn a blind eye to what is happening around us. We are called to hold fast to our beliefs and values, no matter the challenges we face.

Giving It All You've Got

JV asked us to consider what we are going to live for. We all have the power to make a difference in the world around us. By living with our eyes open, we can use our time and talents to address the needs we see. Remember, you are on a mission. What are you convinced you will live your life for? You have an opportunity to give it all you've got, to live with conviction and purpose. Be resolute, don’t give up, and love without stopping.

Love Without Stopping

Love is more than a feeling; it is an action. It is your work of art. When we leave this world, what act of love will you be remembered for? Whatever that is, God wants you to act on it. Each of us sees and hears different things because we are all called to address different needs. Embrace your unique mission, and let your love be the guiding force behind your actions.

Reflecting on JV's words under the tree in Corinth, we are reminded of the power of faith and the importance of living a life full of purpose and love. As we follow in the footsteps of Paul, let us strive to keep our eyes open, hold tight to our convictions, give it all we've got, be resolute, and love without stopping.

We ended the teaching with an amazing blessing of hearing Chris Tomlin and CeCe Winan sing worship for us as we sat in Ancient Corinth - "I will sing of the Goodness of God!"

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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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