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Gut Level Honesty

Today's lessons from Rick Warren and John Maxwell talked about community, collaboration and the need for others to be sucessful in anything, especially lasting change.

We have to surround ourselves with a small group of people (8-10 at the most) that we have pure, open and gut level honesty with. They should know all of your flaws, weaknesses, fears, hopes and dreams. They should be the people that you don't pretend with; the people that help you let go of your pride and help you overcome your biggest barriers to true freedom.

Lasting change requires community and coaching. - Rick Warren

Do you have a small circle? A group of encouragers? Someone to help hold you accountable?

For me, the last 14 weeks have been the truest test of that in my HEALTHe journey, and the last three years, my faith. My Thursday morning small group and the group of encouragers that hold me accountable with my HEALTHe journey keep me on track. If I didn't have that level of encouragement and accountability, I could not do it on my own. Otherwise, it is just willpower, and willpower only lasts so long. Our minds are so powerful and we can justify just about anything without accountability of others.

Who is in your life that knows everything, that you are GUT LEVEL HONEST WITH? Don't pretend. Everyone needs a coach. Learn and grow strong.

If you are serious about working on your life and changing the patterns that have been stuck inside you since childhood, and if you want full transformation, there is no quick fix.

Learn and face the truth. Get a community, find some people to coach you. Face the truth, get new thinking...and most importantly (to me), get closer to the Holy Spirit.

Today, you can evict the fears, worries, self-centered thoughts, laziness, sin patterns, procrastination, anger, jealousy and insecurity. Find your tribe. Find that small group that you can have GUT LEVEL HONESTY with.

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Me" link.

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