I am so honored to be around thought leaders that change the lives of others each and every day through their words, written and spoken.
For many years, I have been a Patrick Lencioni fan. In my company, we wrote our hiring principles and much of our employee standards off of Patrick's books: The Ideal Team Player and Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
Early on, when our company was young and we were developing and hiring new leaders, there was a lot of friction. It wasn't until we went through the Five Dysfunctions of a Team and started building our "first team," that our company began to rock and roll as a strong leadership team. Candor, honesty and accountability became the norm, and the expected result. Going through the lessons in the book wasn't easy, and we did lose some people along the way. In the end, we ended up with what I would say, was the best leadership team in the industry. They were passionate, dedicated individuals with a strong desire of creating the best experience for our clients and associates.
Then when we rewrote our hiring practices based on The Ideal Team Player, with the premise of hiring on the basis of "humble, hungry and smart." That catapulted our hiring practices and our overall culture became contagious. People (associates and clients) even made songs and chants about our mission statement, service standards and overall company. John Maxwell says, "when you cast a vision that people are hearing, they begin repeating it back to you," and that is what happened. What an honor.
I am so thankful and blessed to have finally met the man that helped change our company for the better. Granted, we had to do the work, but Patrick Lencioni's teaching inspired it.
If you are looking to learn, grow and change your company culture, start with these two books. But, don't just read them. Do the exercises as a group. Study them. Commit the time. Build your "First Team." These books will reap many rewards. And...of course, I will send you a copy of the books if you want one!
I will treasure these pictures forever. Two people that changed my company and continue to change my life. John Maxwell and Patrick Lencioni, keep doing God's work. You are changing companies and the lives of so many people.

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Me" link.
#up2Him #changinglivesfound #consistencycompounds #bekind #cyw #transformation #christianwisdom #servantleadership #johnmaxwell #minutewithmaxwell #maxwellleadership #jmtdna #maxwellleadershipfoundation #equip #patricklencioni #fivedysfunctions #humble #hungry #smart