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Intersecting Lifelong Friendships

As I looked around the table at dinner last night, I was in awe of the relationships and friendships that have intersected in my life.

I had friends at the table that I met in second grade, high school, at my first "real" job, in fellowship groups and through friends of friends many years ago. More astonishingly, was that somehow we had all be woven together by other events over the years, in which once they were only my friends, now they are each other's friends as well. Even watching the "hubby's" of my crazy friend group interact and talk was so fun.

I am lucky enough that these friends are also considered my family. Each of them has been in my life for almost 30 years (or more), or they are married to someone that has been in my life that long.

I am so grateful that I can bring friends together from all intersections of my life and create new and vibrant relationships. This allows me to enjoy them all at once and not at separate intersections.

God is so good. I am so blessed. Friendships made into families are the best.

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