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Pray First

As I listened to the sermon at my church today (via YouTube since I am out of town), Pastor Jonathan spoke about the recent incident with Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills.

The message that stuck with me the most is "Pray First." Mostly because we often only turn to God in times of need, after the fact, when we are hoping for some sort of intervention by God to help us through the turmoil of a particular situation.

For the first time in history, an ESPN sports analyst (Dan Orlovsky) stopped the script in the middle of the broadcast and said a prayer on national television in hopes that Damar would recover. In honesty, all of us were probably doing the same thing. In fact, on the day Damar was hurt, God was brought back into sports as both teams gathered on the field, kneeling in prayer along with millions of others. Then again before the Saturday night game, the teams gathered together in prayer, on their knees before the game.

Thank you God for bringing us all to our knees together. The prayers worked, and Damar Hamlin is recovering and most importantly, ALIVE!

But...what is a better reminder for me; pray first. Pray daily, in ADVANCE of the need. Start your day with prayer...bringing before God the blessings you are grateful for, the needs that you have and the hope of the future. Pray for God's will, and your desire to follow it.

Don't wait. PRAY FIRST

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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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