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Setting Standards.

As I teach leadership principles in Dakar, we were talking about the importance of setting standards today. Isn’t it funny that when you put a standard in place, you and your team actually perform better?

I believe this is true in both the personal and professional parts of our lives. For me, when I have accountability to others, I am much more likely to do something than when I just “promise” myself. I am much better at keeping a “promise” to others than I am to myself (unfortunately). But, that topic is for another day.

When people know what the guidelines, standards and rules are, and there is accountability to them, there is a far greater chance of a positive outcome than when there are no expectations set at all. Without expectations, it is a free for all. Employee handbooks, process models and for me, the Bible are perfect examples of where I can find direction on how to live and act.

I, for one, feel more committed to something when I have to report my progress to a friend or accountability partner. Just like punching in on a time clock each day, these accountability groups/partners help you live to the standards set by you or someone else.

If you are looking for someone (or yourself) to improve in an area, set the standard, measure it, and most importantly become accountable to someone for that action and measure your expectations of others. When I began getting up early each day, I had to have an accountability partner. I knew that I needed someone to be accountable to since I AM NOT a morning person! By knowing that this person is expecting me to report my action, it gave me the motivation I needed to start on a new plan for my morning routine. It worked! Four years later and still going strong!

I have recently begun my path of HEALTHe eating, physical fitness and positive mental inputs. The key to this program is accountability, and having ”encouragers” along the way. Wow, have I been reminded about how powerful accountability AND encouragement is in taking and accomplishing a goal!

Do you have someone that helps you be accountable to an important standard you want to create in your life?

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Kelly" link.



About Me


My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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