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Stimulate Your Talents

During my Transformation Table yesterday, one of the ladies on the table said this quote:

Be intentional about stimulating your talents.

It was profound, mostly because we don't spend time doing this. We are too busy. Too rushed. Letting life take hold and we give up on trying.

Today is a journaling lesson. Think about the quote below and answer the following questions. I would love to hear how this impacts your thinking, so pop me an email or a message and let me know.

  1. What talent do you have that you aren't using at this time?

  2. What habit, fear or distraction keeps you from using this talent?

  3. How do you get in your own way and don't use this talent you possess?

  4. What ONE THING can you do today that will help you utilize this talent more?

  5. Who will you tell about this intention?

Photo Credit: @tanner.price_

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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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