Isn't it so much easier to do things when you do it with other people? As they say, "many hands make for light work."
When I was listening to Pastor Rick's message on teaming up with Jesus, it made me think about those who try to do this crazy world alone, with the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Sometimes it hurts my heart to see people who take on this world without a higher power to trust in. For me, knowing that I have a friend in Jesus, and that I can turn to him in times of need, celebration, anger, frustration or gratitude, makes me feel like I am not alone.
I really found my connection with God/Jesus to be stronger when I started writing a letter to God each morning and letting him know everything that is on my heart; asking Him for guidance and help. Yes, He already knows, but there is something about writing it out for myself that I find very therapeutic. If you haven't tried it, do it today. Take time to just write anything that is on your mind: hurts, hangouts, frustrations, fears, joys, triumphs, and gratitude. Let it flow, let us all out. Once you do it the first day, try it for 30 days straight and see how your mindset changes.
For me, I have chosen to "Team Up with Jesus!" Will you join me?
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