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Trusting in Advance

Faith = trusting in advance what may only make sense when looking in reverse.

Isn't this hard when we are waiting? Wanting to know? When it isn't happening fast enough for us?

Having faith can be a struggle, especially when we "need" to know. When things aren't going our way. When times are tough.

We were reminded in church last week to be patient, stand firm, and refuse to let go of God.

When I look "in reverse" after I have been through a difficult time, I can clearly see the purpose in the pain. Although I still may not like the way it turned out, I can see how without that event, there may be things that wouldn't have happened otherwise. This can even be said in the loss of a loved one. I may not understand the "why," but I can see how that loss has helped me help others. How I grew during the loss. How I made changes in my life due to the loss.

As you go forward this week, can you trust God, refuse to let go, and know that he will write the "last chapter?" In the end, we can patiently trust that our stories are still being written. Someday, we will look in reverse and understand the meaning of the pain or the gain.

If you would like a copy of any of the devotionals or books I reference, please send me an email (button below) and I would be happy to send you one. Please reference the title of the post/devotional to ensure I send you the correct devotional/author. See my mission in the "About Kelly" link.



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My overall goal is to help create healthy, happy humans through sharing the Christian Wisdom and Servant Leadership principles as I discover them along the way.  I also have a very aggressive goal in life....

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